Support is available at every step of the Recruitment Process.
The perfect candidate for your apprenticeship vacancy could be located close to your retailer.
With this in mind, we have created several resources available to help you advertise and recruit locally. You can download and use them digitally or print some of the resources to use at the retailer or at local school / college career fairs.
The resources that are available include:
- The Be part of our team poster.
- Apprenticeship Overview Flyer.
- Parent Candidate Flyer.
- Social media templates.
- Brand Logo
- Apprentice Imagery.
- The Virtual Careers Pack.
- The Apprenticeship Programme Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
- Service Technician Apprenticeship overview document.
- Parts Advisor Apprenticeship overview document.
- Service Advisor Apprenticeship overview overview.